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This function performs a request for data from the UniProt REST API, fetches the results using pagination, and saves them to a file or into memory.

You likely won't use this function directly, but rather one of the wrapper functions: uniprot_map(), uniprot_search(), or uniprot_single().

Things to note:

  1. The pagination endpoint is less expensive for the API infrastructure to deal with versus fetch_stream(), as the memory demand is distributed over a longer period of time.

  2. If the connection is interrupted while fetching results with pagination, only the request for the current page needs to be reattempted. With the stream endpoint, the entire request needs to be completely restarted.


fetch_paged(req, n_pages, format = "tsv", path = NULL, verbosity = NULL)



httr2_request object, generated by e.g. httr2::request() or uniprot_request().


integer, the number of pages to be fetched. This can be calculated by dividing the number of total results by the page size e.g. resp$headers$x-total-results / page_size.


string, data format to fetch. Can one of "tsv", or "fasta".


string (optional), file path to save the results, e.g. "path/to/results.tsv". The file must not already exist, otherwise an error is thrown.


integer (optional), how much information to print?

  • 0: no output

  • NULL (default): minimal output

  • 1: show request headers

  • 2: show request headers and bodies

  • 3: show request headers, bodies, and curl status messages


By default, returns an object whose type depends on format:

If parse = FALSE, returns an httr2_response. If path is specified, saves the parsed results to the file path indicated, and returns NULL



if (FALSE) {
  req <- uniprot_request(
    query = "P99999",
    format = "tsv",
    fields = "id,name,count",
    size = 1

  fetch_paged(req, n_pages = 3)