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This vignette describes all the currently available file formats to download using the main uniprotREST functions. There are more file formats available via their website which have not yet been implemented.


database format
uniprotkb fasta, tsv
uniref fasta, tsv
uniparc fasta, tsv
other tsv
database format
uniprotkb fasta, tsv
uniref fasta, tsv
uniparc fasta, tsv
proteomes tsv
taxonomy tsv
keywords tsv
citations tsv
diseases tsv
locations tsv


database format
uniprotkb fasta, json, tsv
uniref fasta, json, tsv
uniparc fasta, json, tsv
proteomes json, tsv
taxonomy json, tsv
keywords json, tsv
citations json, tsv
diseases json, tsv
database json
locations json, tsv
unirule json
arba json