Shape palettes that approximate those used in GraphPad Prism. No unicode characters are used, only the default symbols available in R.

prism_shape_pal(palette = c("default", "filled", "complete"))



string. Palette name, one of: default, filled, or complete.


Returns a function which takes a single integer as its only argument and returns a character vector of integers which correspond to R plot pch symbols. See the examples below for usage.


The default palette supports up to 9 values. It does not use any symbols with a fill.

The filled palette supports up to 10 values. The first 5 symbols have a fill.

The complete palette supports up to 14 values. Symbols 5 to 9 have a fill.



## list all available shape palettes
#> $complete
#> # A tibble: 14 × 2
#>    name                   pch
#>    <chr>                <dbl>
#>  1 circle small            16
#>  2 square                  15
#>  3 triangle                17
#>  4 diamond                 18
#>  5 circle filled           21
#>  6 square filled           22
#>  7 triangle filled         24
#>  8 triangle down filled    25
#>  9 diamond filled          23
#> 10 asterisk                 8
#> 11 plus                     3
#> 12 cross                    4
#> 13 circle plus             10
#> 14 square cross             7
#> $default
#> # A tibble: 9 × 2
#>   name           pch
#>   <chr>        <dbl>
#> 1 circle small    16
#> 2 square          15
#> 3 triangle        17
#> 4 diamond         18
#> 5 asterisk         8
#> 6 plus             3
#> 7 cross            4
#> 8 circle plus     10
#> 9 square cross     7
#> $filled
#> # A tibble: 10 × 2
#>    name                   pch
#>    <chr>                <dbl>
#>  1 circle filled           21
#>  2 square filled           22
#>  3 triangle filled         24
#>  4 triangle down filled    25
#>  5 diamond filled          23
#>  6 asterisk                 8
#>  7 plus                     3
#>  8 cross                    4
#>  9 circle plus             10
#> 10 square cross             7

## select some shapes from a palette
prism_shape_pal(palette = "filled")(4)
#> [1] 21 22 24 25

## see all the shapes in a specific palette
# define a function for convenience
show_shapes <- function(palette) {
  df_shapes <- ggprism_data$shape_palettes[[palette]][, -1]
  df_shapes$pch_f <- factor(df_shapes$pch, levels = df_shapes$pch)

  ggplot(df_shapes, aes(x = 0, y = 0, shape = pch)) +
    geom_point(aes(shape = pch), size = 5, fill = 'red') +
    scale_shape_identity() +
    facet_wrap(~ pch_f) +

# show the shapes in the palette "complete"