A collection of colour palettes which mirror the colour schemes available in GraphPad Prism.

prism_colour_pal(palette = "colors")

prism_color_pal(palette = "colors")



string. Palette name, use lengths(ggprism_data$colour_palettes) to show all valid palette names and their number of values each palette supports.


Returns a function which takes a single integer as its only argument and returns a character vector of hexadecimal colours. See the examples below for usage.



## list all available colour palettes and their lengths
#>   autumn_leaves   beer_and_ales black_and_white       blueprint      blueprint2 
#>               9               9               9               9               9 
#>      blueprint3    candy_bright      candy_soft colorblind_safe          colors 
#>               9               9               9               6              20 
#>           diazo     earth_tones       evergreen             fir            fir2 
#>               9              10               9               9               9 
#>            fir3          flames         flames2          floral         floral2 
#>               9               9               9              12              12 
#>       greenwash         inferno           magma   mustard_field  mustard_field2 
#>              10               6               6               9               9 
#>   muted_rainbow            neon           ocean          ocean2          ocean3 
#>              10               9               9               9               9 
#>          office         pastels           pearl          pearl2          plasma 
#>               9               9               6               6               6 
#>      prism_dark     prism_dark2     prism_light    prism_light2  purple_passion 
#>              10              10              10              10               9 
#>           quiet          quiet2  shades_of_gray          spring         spring2 
#>               9               9               9               9               9 
#>   stained_glass  stained_glass2          starry         starry2          summer 
#>               9               9               5               5              10 
#>    sunny_garden   sunny_garden2   sunny_garden3       the_blues         viridis 
#>               9               9               9               9               6 
#>  warm_and_sunny    warm_pastels   warm_pastels2           waves          waves2 
#>               9               9               9               5               5 
#>   winter_bright     winter_soft    wool_muffler   wool_muffler2   wool_muffler3 
#>               9               9               9               9               9 

## select some colours from a palette
prism_colour_pal(palette = "starry")(4)
#> [1] "#000000" "#042E3D" "#765A22" "#44726D"

## see all the colours in a specific palette
# define a function for convenience

show_palette <- function(palette) {
    prism_colour_pal(palette = palette)(
      attr(prism_colour_pal(palette = palette), "max_n")

# show the colours in the palette "pearl"